Termín: | 09.04.2023 |
Miesto konania: | Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (Zahraničie - Európa/Svet) Ubytovanie · Počasie · Cestovné poriadky |
Web: | www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=716293380283501&set=gm.1411827359591055
www.facebook.com/SlovakSocialClub.LudovitStur/?locale=sk_SK |
Easter Dinner Dance 2023 Melbourne
NEDEĽA 9. APRÍLA 2023 O 10:00 UTC+02
Slovak Social Club "Ludovit Stur"
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Podujatie, ktoré usporadúva Slovak Social Club "Ludovit Stur"
Slovak Social Club "Ludovit Stur"
Come and celebrate with us this Easter, with delicious food and great company!
• Our band, Bez Dura will be playing live music for the night.
• A special guest will be hopping in to visit us, bearing gifts for the children 🐰
• We will be holding an egg painting competition for both children and adults. Prizes will be given to those with the most beautifully painted eggs!
06:00 pm - Doors open
07:30 pm - Dinner
10.30 pm - Raffle
Members/pensioners: $15 Non-members: $20
Children 14 and under: free
Small Dinner- $10
Large Dinner- $15
Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks will be available to purchase at the bar.
Reservations are necessary; to book please call our treasurer Joshua on 0452 150 895 or email treasurer@slovaksocialclub.com.au to reserve a table.
We look forward to seeing everyone there!