Termín: | 28.01.2012 - 29.01.2012 |
Miesto konania: | Mississauga, Ontario / Canada (Zahraničie - Európa/Svet) Ubytovanie · Počasie · Cestovné poriadky |
Web: | www.goldenagegala.com
www.hiltongardeninn.hilton.com/en/gi/groups/personalized/Y/YYZMSGI-GOLDEN-20120128/index.jhtml?WT.mc_id=POG |
Banket zlatého veku / The Golden Age Gala
Saturday, 28 January 2012, 18:00
TV Slovenský svet a Nova Vize Vás pozývajú na Gala Zlatého veku
Pod záštitou generálneho konzula Českej republiky, Vladimíra Rumla a honorárneho konzula Slovenskej republiky, pána Michaela Martinčeka
Pridajte sa k nám na večer svetovej zábavy a tanca, v ktorom sa predstavia v živom vystúpení hviezdy slovenskej a českej hudobnej scény, speváci Naďa Urbánková, Peter Ondria, Martin France a náš vlastný z Toronta, George Grosman!
Vaši hostitelia budú Martina Šírová a osobnosť zo Slovenského rozhlasu Markuss Marek Adamec. Plus si nenechajte ujsť výlučné módne show svetoznámej dizajnérky Beaty Rajskej ... a neopakovateľnej Tichej aukcii
V sobotu 28. januára 2012
Recepcia so šampanským o 18:00, večera o 19:00 po ktorej
nasleduje zábava a tanec.
V Mississauga Grand Banquet & Convention Centre
35 Brunel Road, Sála č. 7, Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 3E8
Vstupenky: 160 dolárov vopred, 180 dolárov pred dverami, 1,500 dolárov pre stôl pre 10 osôb.
Rezervujte si vstupenky hneď cez:
TEL: 416-508-4517 (Roman)
EMAIL: info@goldenagegala.com
If you are travelling by car, parking at the Mississauga Grand is not an issue, since its parking lots hold up to 650 vehicles. However should you choose seek accommodations for the night, we recommend the H I L T O N Garden Inn Toronto/Mississauga conveniently located within walking distance of the Banquet Facility.
We have negotiated a special rate available exclusively to all attendees of The Golden Age Gala. To book your room for the night of January 28th, 2012, please click here.
TV Slovenský svet and Nova Vize are inviting you to The Golden Age Gala
Under the auspice of the Consul General of the Czech Republic, Mr. Vladimir Ruml and the Honorary Consul of the Slovak Republic, Mr. Michael Martincek
Join us for an evening of world-class entertainment and dance, featuring live performances by stars of the Slovak and Czech music scene, singers Nad'a Urbankova, Peter Ondria, Martin France and Toronto’s very own George Grosman!
Your hosts for the night will be Martina Sirova and Slovak radio personality Marek Markuss Adamec.
Plus don't miss an excusive fashion show by world renowned designer Beata Rajska... and one of a kind Silent Auction
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Champagne reception at 6:00 p.m.
Dinner at 7:00 p.m.
Followed by entertainment and dance
Mississauga Grand Banquet & Convention Centre
35 Brunel Road, Unit 7, Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 3E8
Tickets: $ 160.00 in advance, $180.00 at the door,
$1,500.00 for table of 10
If you are travelling by car, parking at the Mississauga Grand is not an issue, since its parking lots hold up to 650 vehicles. However should you choose seek accommodations for the night, we recommend the H I L T O N Garden Inn Toronto/Mississauga conveniently located within walking distance of the Banquet Facility.
We have negotiated a special rate available exclusively to all attendees of The Golden Age Gala. To book your room for the night of January 28th, 2012, please click here.
Reserve your tickets now at:
TEL: 416-508-4517 (Roman)
EMAIL: info@goldenagegala.com