Termín: | 03.10.2015 |
Miesto konania: | Silchester, Spojené kráľovstvo, (Zahraničie - Európa/Svet) Ubytovanie · Počasie · Cestovné poriadky |
Web: | www.czechandslovakcircle.co.uk
www.silchestervillagehall.org.uk/location.htm |
The Czech and Slovak Circle Goulash Party 2015!
...with live Czech and Slovak music from DUO BAND!
When: Saturday the 3rd of October 2015 at 6:00pm until 11:00pm.
Where: Silchester Village Hall, Little London Road, Silchester, Reading, RG7 2ND
URL: http://www.silchestervillagehall.org.uk/location.htm
Advance ticket price: £5.00 per person - via paypal
At the door on the night: £8.00 per person (cash only)
Children under 16 years of age are free of charge.
Ticket price includes: live music, tea, coffee, squash drinks, snacks and
free parking.
For more information and to book your tickets, please contact Renata at:
Bar and food available: Traditional goulash and bread Hot dogs Czech and Slovak beers Fernet and Becherovka mixers Spirits Shots and more.... Any additional home-made refreshments and food will be gladly welcomed.
Whilst children are very welcome to attend, there will be no children’s activities at this event.
Please be informed that the Czech and Slovak Circle is a not-for-profit organisation run solely by volunteers who give their time freely to run Czech and Slovak cultural events. All monies generated from our events are used to fund future events, so your support is much appreciated and welcomed.
Tickets for last years goulash party sold out quickly, so please purchase your tickets ASAP to avoid disappointment.
Please tell your friends and share this post! We look forward to seeing you :-)
Hi all,
Have you reserved your ticket for 3rd October Goulash Party? - please note that there is £3.00 difference between prepaid and on the door tickets.
Advanced ticket paid via paypal price - £5.00
Reserved ticket or tickets on the door price - £8.00
The goulash is guaranteed only for advanced prepaid and reserved tickets.
For booking reservation or paypal instructions please just reply to this email, thanks.
For more info about Goulas Party and see video from 2014 please go to: http://www.czechandslovakcircle.co.uk/whats-on/our-events
Pozyvame Vas na Gulas Party so zivou hudbou v podani DUO BAND.
Kedy: v sobotu 3 oktobra
Kde:Silchester Village Hall, Little London Road, Silchester, Reading, RG7 2ND
URL: http://www.silchestervillagehall.org.uk/location.htm
Listky v predpredaji: £5.00 na osobu - plati sa cez paypal
Listky na dverach: £8.00 na osobu (hotovost)
Deti do 16 zadarmo.
Listok zahrna: zivu hudbu, caj, kavu, sirupove napoje, sladke a slane obcerstvenie na stoloch a parkovanie
Ak chcete obdrzat viac informacii alebo zajednat si svoje listky, prosim kontaktujte Renatu na:
V bare budeme predavat: Tradicny gulas s chlebom, Hot-dogs, Ceske pivo, Fernetove a Becherovkove mix napoje, poldecaky s liehovinami a viac.... Uvitame domace sladke alebo slane vyrobky od Vas.
Rodicia berte na vedomie ze na tejto akcii nie su detske aktivity ale deti su vitane.
Chceme Vas taktiez informovat ze Cesko-Slovensky kruzok je non-for-profit organizacia ktora bezi na dobrovolnej cinnosti a organizatori venuju svoj volny cas na organizovanie akcii. Peniaze zarobene na akcii sa pouziju na financovanie dalsich akcii a preto Vas prosime o podporu kruzku a jeho existencie.
Listky na minolorocnu gulasovu party sa predali velmi rychlo, preto prosim nevahajte a zajednajte si listok v predstihu aby ste neboli sklamani ak akcia bude vypredana.
Prosim poslite spravu o gulas party aj vasim priatelom. Tesime sa na Vas v Silchestri:)
Uz ste si zajednali listok na 3 Oktobra Gulasovu party? - prosim berte na vedomie ze rozdiel medzi listkami v predpredaji a na dverach su £3.00.
Listky v predpredaji cez paypal - £5.00
Rezervovane listky a listky na dverach - £8.00
Gulas bude garantovany iba pre vopred predplatene alebo nahlasene listky.
Ak si chcete rezervovat ci predplatit listky, prosim odpiste na tento email.
Viac informacii ohladom gulas party a pozriet si video z gulas party 2014 najdete na:http://www.czechandslovakcircle.co.uk/whats-on/our-events