Termín: | 10.09.2016 |
Miesto konania: | San Diego, California, USA, (Zahraničie - Európa/Svet) Ubytovanie · Počasie · Cestovné poriadky |
Web: | priateliaslovenskehofolkloru.com |
Podkovička Festival 2016 San Diego
Saturday Sept. 10, 2016 noon to 4pm @ Mission Bay Park, San Diego Come and have fun with members of our folklore groups Podkovička and Karička.
We’ll have various stations where kids and adults can experience handcrafted traditions of our past: doll making, working with leather, decorating of gingerbread cookies, decorating of houses from paper (čičmanské), games and competitions for children and adults (such as jumping in sacks, tug of war etc..) workshops of dancing, whip mouthing, and performance of Podkovička.
You can also try our hotdogs, grilled sausages with bread, and pastries. All earnings will go to support Folkore children group Podkovička.
For more information, please contact Anka (619) 992-9831.
From I-8 west take West Mission Dr./ Sport Arena take West Mission Dr to the right, continue on Ingraham Street, turn left on Vacation Rd., and then again left on Mission Bay. Look for signs “Podkovička“.