Termín: | 06.10.2019 - 13.10.2019 |
Miesto konania: | City of New York, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Ottawa, USA and Canada, (Zahraničie - Európa/Svet) Ubytovanie · Počasie · Cestovné poriadky |
Web: | slovakamericancc.wixsite.com/slovakamericancc |
Zem spieva USA and Canada tour 2019
Slovak folklore ensemble performance - Sunday, October 6th @ 7:30pm - St. John Nepomucene Church, NYC
Dear S-ACC friends,
We are excited to share with you this upcoming event - Zem Spieva! Zem Spieva, The Land Sings, is a popular Slovak TV show competition. The winners of the past two seasons will be touring the United States with a stop in New York City to present beautiful Slovak folklore with performances by the ensemble FS Urpin and Martin Repan!
It is sure to be a wonderful evening with traditional Slovak music! The performance will be on Sunday, October 6 at 7:30 pm at St. John Nepomucene Church Hall, NYC.
Register for free tickets at: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/zem-spieva-the-land-sings-tickets-71041831029?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
The best of Slovak traditional folklore coming to New York!
Spend an extraordinary evening with the winners of the nation-wide competition The Land Sings - the folk ensemble Urpín and Martin Repáň.
Come and enjoy an evening full of Slovak traditional authentic dances and music from the very heart of Europe performed by the best of the exceedingly successful TV show The Land Sings!
To najlepšie zo slovenského tradičného folklóru prichádzajúce do New Yorku!
Strávte mimoriadny večer s víťazmi celoštátnej súťaže Land Sings - folklórny súbor Urpín a Martin Repáň.
Príďte a užite si večer plný slovenských tradičných autentických tancov a hudby zo samotného srdca Európy, ktorý predviedli to najlepšie z mimoriadne úspešnej televíznej show Zem spieva!