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Košické slávnosti vína 2013 - 7. ročník

Košické slávnosti vína 2013 - 7. ročník
Termín: 12.09.2013 - 14.09.2013
Miesto konania: Košice (SR - Košický kraj)
Ubytovanie · Počasie · Cestovné poriadky


Košické slávnosti vína
je festival, ktorý nadväzuje na dávne tradície hodovania, pestovania viniča a výroby vína v regióne.

Siedmy ročník obľúbeného podujatia Košické slávnosti vína sa aj tento rok môže pochváliť podtitulom „Kde sa moderné snúbi s tradičným“.

Podujatie prináša spojenie tradičného vinárstva s modernými degustáciami.

Košice Wine Festival
12 - 14 SEPTEMBER 2013 / The most attractive wine festival of the year offering the best wines from Slovakia and major wine - producing countries.

Old traditional wine making and feasting traditions have been resurrected at this annual festival that represents the culture of wine makers and the gastronomy of the Košice region since 2007.

Here you have the opportunity to savour excellent wines from the Tokaj, Eger and Eastern-Slovak regions. The festival brings together Slovakia’s top winegrowers and winemakers and selected winemakers from abroad, who offer their wines for tasting. Merchants, wine bar owners, winegrowers, winemakers, members of wine fraternities and other wine-related associations, wine knights, wine queens, and wine lovers are all welcome and invited.

The festival is accompanied by a programme of educational events, including guided tasting sessions, lectures and workshops at the Lower Gate, the Miklus prison, wine cellars and bars, often untill early morning.

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