Termín: | 11.11.2023 |
Miesto konania: | Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, (Zahraničie - Európa/Svet) Ubytovanie · Počasie · Cestovné poriadky |
Web: | www.facebook.com/VodaFest/?locale=sk_SK |
Jarmark/Jarmok 2023 Melbourne
Dátum: 11. 11. 2023
Miestoa: na Šumavě v Belgrave South, Melbourne
VodaFest - Czech and Slovak Association Inc.
Přípravy na Jarmark jsou v plném proudu! Stale jeste je cas zaregistrovat svuj stanek (viz. formular EOI v predchozim prispevku)
Par informaci pro stankare i nase mile navstevniky:
Brány se otevíraji v 11h
Platby jen v hotovosti - nelze platit kartou! Prosim doneste si dostatek hotovosti
Parkovné je $10/auto
Cepovane pivo, autenticke jídlo, české sladkosti a mňamózní dobrůtky - vse cerstve a domaci
Živá hudba a detska vystoupeni
Prosime - nechte sve domaci mazlicky doma, tedy hlavne pejsky!!
Těšíme se na vás v sobotu 11/11!
Preparations for the Fair are in full swing! There is still time to register your stand (see the EOI form in the previous post)
Some information for stall owners and our lovely visitors:
The gates open at 11 a.m
Cash payments only - no card facilities! Please bring enough cash
Parking fee is $10/car
Beer on tap authentic food, Czech sweets and yummy treats - all fresh and homemade
Live music and children's performances
Please - leave all pets at home, especially dogs!!
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 11/11!