Termín: | 01.05.2014 - 04.05.2014 |
Miesto konania: | Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA, (Zahraničie - Európa/Svet) Ubytovanie · Počasie · Cestovné poriadky |
Web: | www.sokolmn.org
www.festivalofnations.com |
Festival of Nations 2014
Czech and Slovak Sokol Minnesota, USA,
Saint Paul River Centre, downtown Saint Paul
May 1 - 4, 2014,
Enjoy Czech and Slovak food and culture; children, teen, and adult folk dancers on stage.
Since 1932, the International Institute of Minnesota has presented the Festival of Nations. Held at the Saint Paul RiverCentre, the Festival is the longest running multicultural festival in Minnesota. The cultural celebration includes ethnic foods, music, demonstrations, exhibits, and dance. Learn more about the Festival by visiting the Festival of Nations’ website
You can find us in the sections.
Folk Art Demonstrations (Area 3)
Cultural Exhibits (Area 5)
Ethnic Cafés Menus (Area 2)
Our exposure
Czech & Slovak
stand for our number 2
Ethnic Cafes Menus (Area 2)
Jitrnice (Czech sausage), Párky
(hot dog), Vep ový sendvi (pork
patty sandwich), Chlebíčky (openfaced
sandwich), Vyprážaný Syr
(fried cheese sticks), Halušky (Slovak
pork and cabbage casserole), Kremrole
(cream horn), Koláče (fruit filled
pastry), Káva (gourmet coffee),
Limonáda (lemonade), Water.
Festival Národov,
Saint Paul River centrum , v centre mesta Saint Paul
1 až 4 máj 2014,
Vychutnajte si českú a slovenskú kuchyňu a kultúru ; deti , dospievajúci a dospelí, folklórny tanečníci na javisku .
Od roku 1932, International Institute of Minnesota poriada Festival národov. Koná sa v Saint Paul RiverCentre. Festival je najdlhšie trvajúci multikultúrny festival v Minnesote. Kultúrna oslava zahŕňa etnické potraviny, hudbu, ukážky, exponáty, a tanec. Viac informácií o festivale získate návštevou festivalu a na web stránkach festivalu národov
Môžte nás nájsť v sekciách:
Folk Art Demonstrations (Area 3)
Cultural Exhibits (Area 5)
Ethnic Cafés Menus (Area 2)
Our exposure / Naša expozícia
Czech & Slovak
stand for our number 2
náš stánok má číslo 2
Jitrnice (Czech sausage), Párky
(hot dog), Vep ový sendvi (pork
patty sandwich), Chlebíčky (openfaced
sandwich), Vyprážaný Syr
(fried cheese sticks), Halušky (Slovak
pork and cabbage casserole), Kremrole
(cream horn), Koláče (fruit filled
pastry), Káva (gourmet coffee),
Limonáda (lemonade), Water.