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Polievkový festival Košice 2013

Polievkový festival Košice 2013
Termín: 12.10.2013
Miesto konania: Košice (SR - Košický kraj)
Ubytovanie · Počasie · Cestovné poriadky


Polievkový festival Košice 2013

Polievkový festival vám bude po chuti!

Prečo by aj nechutil, veď na svoje si príde snáď každý. Ide predsa o kultúrnu rozmanitosť cez jedlo, hudbu a komunitné aktivity.

Prečo polievka?
Polievka spája ľudí od počiatkov svojej existencie v rôznych kultúrach. Ľahko sa pripravuje, je lacná a ľahko sa s ňou podelíte. Navyše je na Slovensku veľmi populárna.

Vstup do priestorov je bezplatný. Za ochutnávku polievok sa však platí sumou 3€, za ktoré dostanete lístky na desať polievok podľa vášho výberu, jeden tombolový a jeden hlasovací lístok. Vďaka nemu spoločne s trojčlennou porotou určíte víťaza festivalu v súťaži o Zlatú lyžicu.

Popri polievkach z Peru, Libanonu, Ruska, Talianska, Francúzska či Sýrie a iných národností budú pripravené polievky aj od klubu scrabble, tímu blondínok a nášho tímu Košice 2013. Atmosféra bude doplnená aj o tanečné workshopy, komunitné podujatia aj detský kútik. Sprievodným podujatím je tiež vystúpenie českej skupiny Terne Čhave, ktorá tohto roku vystupila aj na známom maďarskom festivale Sziget.

Ešte stále máte možnosť prihlásiť na festival aj vašu polievku!
Basic information:

The event will run in the closed area of Kasarne/Kulturpark, the program and activities will be free of charge thanks to financial support by Ministry of culture and European Capital of Culture 2013. However visitors will have to pay 3 € and they will get raffle ticket and opportunity to taste 10 soups. They will also receive a voting card to evaluate the soups they will taste and together with a jury, will elect the best soup of the festival. The winner will get the Golden Spoon of the festival and presents by our partners. As well, the collected money will be entirely redistributed along participants to help you to cover part of your costs for the ingredients (20/30 € expected).

At the same time it is an opportunity for you to present a large audience more about your culture, your personal orientations or your activities. The competition is open to every individuals being more than 18 years old or organisations (NGOs, public institutions, private companies, specially restaurants). Participants don’t have to be foreigners or members of minority groups, but we are very much willing to have diversity of creative Cassovians and Slovaks from each part of the country.


It is connecting people since it exists in most of the cultures. This is a meal easy to prepare, cheap and so perfect to share. Moreover it is very popular in Slovakia.


We consider as soup any liquid food which can be served hot or cold, normally salty, which can be made from a traditional receipt or specially created one for our Diversity festival.

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